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Special Education Department

Marci Elliot

Special Education Director

Marci Elliott
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Department Personnel
For Special Education Records request please fax request to 435-750-8005
Administrative Assistant: Maria Gallardo   435-755-2300 - ext. 1011
Special Education Administrator: Mark Johnson  435-755-2300 - ext. 1019
Program Secretary - File Compliance:  Rochelle Dougal  435-755-2300 - ext. 7504
Teacher Specialist - Special Education: Denise Pruhs  435-755-2300 - ext. 1009
Special Ed Preschool Coordinator: Kim Barfuss  435-755-2300 - ext. 7603
Behavior Analyst Abbey Schaffner  435-755-2300 - ext.
School Psychologist: Mary Griffin   435-755-2300 - ext. 4009
School Psychologist: Gable Munn  435-755-2300 - ext. 5219
Speech/Language Coordinator: Robyn Hansen  435-755-2300, ext. 1020
Audiologist: Steven Jensen  For phone contact, call Maria Gallardo
Audiologist: Makynzie Larsen  For phone contact, call Maria Gallardo
Occupational Therapist: Ryan Winn  For phone contact, call Maria Gallardo
School Nurse: Kelly Hansen  435-755-2300 - ext. 1014