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Logan City School District

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

T.E.A.M. Shout Outs

T.E.A.M. Shout Out

Team Effort Always Matters

Have you experienced great customer service from a Logan City School District employee? If so, we want to hear about it!

What is a Shout Out? A Shout Out is a special recognition that acknowledges a District employee who has demonstrated a special effort, an outstanding job, a project of high quality workmanship and/or is helping students create positive futures for themselves and their community.

Who can submit a Shout Out? Students, parents, teachers, administrators, coworkers, and all community members.

Who can receive a Shout Out? Any employee of the Logan City School District. Every teacher, administrator, secretary, and aide are an important part of our team.

Please fill out the form below and briefly explain why this employee deserves recognition. All Shout Out recipients will receive recognition at their individual schools.

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