Adams Elementary
Education Support Professional of the Year | Stefani Carter
Teacher of the Year | Nicole Brooksby
Bridger Elementary
Education Support Professional of the Year | Aracelly Martinez Perez
Teacher of the Year | Jessica Pruhs
Ellis Elementary
Education Support Professional of the Year | Cyndi Reddig
Teacher of the Year | Taylor Stanger
Hillcrest Elementary
Education Support Professional of the Year | Logan Reeder
Teacher of the Year | Angel Gonzales
Wilson Elementary
Education Support Professional of the Year | Jeanette Gonzalez
Teacher of the Year | Kerry Bair
Woodruff Elementary
Education Support Professional of the Year | Liz Smith
Teacher of the Year | Cassie Tollefson
Mount Logan Middle School
Education Support Professional of the Year | Axi Sanchez
Teacher of the Year | Raychel Rondash
Teacher of the Year | Ryan Mueller
Logan High School
Education Support Professional of the Year | Debbie Wright
SpEd Education Support Professional of the Year | Damaris Kjar
Teacher of the Year | Shaelin Nilsen
Teacher of the Year | Rachel Wheeler
District Office
Education Support Professional of the Year | Sharon Brazell
SpEd Teacher of the Year | Chelsey Petersen (Riverside)