Modified: 27 December 2023
This policy applies to all District administrators, licensed educators, staff members, students, organizations, volunteers and individuals who initiate, authorize, or participate in fundraising events or activities for events or activities which are provided, sponsored, or supported by a school; or receive, authorize, accept, value, or record donations, gifts, or sponsorships for the District or individual schools. It is expected that in all dealings, District and school employees will act ethically, consistent with the District’s ethics training, the Utah Educator Standards (R277-217), the Public Officers’ and Employees’ Ethics Act (Utah Code ' 67-16-1 et seq.), and State procurement law (Utah Code ' 63G-6a-101 et seq.).
“Provided, sponsored, or supported by a school” means activities, fundraising events, clubs, camps, clinics, or other events or activities that are authorized by the District or individual school(s) that also satisfy one or more of the following criteria. The activity:
Utah Admin. Rules R277-113-2(16) (December 11, 2023)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-407-2(13) (July 11, 2023)
In interacting with any activity which is not provided, sponsored, or supported by a school, the District shall conduct all transactions at arm’s length and may not co-mingle revenue or expenditures of such activities with public (District) funds.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-113-9(7) (December 11, 2023)
Activities, clubs, groups and their associated fundraisers or other activities, sports, or programs that are not provided, sponsored, or supported by a school MAY NOT:
Parental notification by a District employee is required if District employees are involved in the planning, administration, advertising, or serving as staff for a non-school-sponsored activity and if District students are involved. A copy of this notification shall be submitted to the principal by the District employee prior to the event.
Funds, donations, or gifts generated through non-school-sponsored activities or events may be donated to the District or to an individual school to support specific programs, teams, groups, clubs, etc. All donations or gifts shall follow the guidance established in the District’s donations and gifts policy.
Non-school-sponsored activities may work in conjunction with the District or an individual school to raise funds. The District may allow these groups to use District facilities at little or no charge in exchange for contributions or percentages of proceeds. The District may choose to provide some level of support or pay for portions of these activities. These arrangements shall be set forth in a written agreement or contract, and all transactions will be conducted as “arm’s-length transactions.” These agreements shall take into consideration the District’s fiduciary responsibility for the management and use of public funds and assets. The terms of these contracts will be approved by the principal and the Business Administrator. The District will consult with its insurer or legal counsel to ensure risks are adequately considered and managed.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-113-9(6), (7) (December 11, 2023)
Non-curricular clubs specifically authorized under Utah Code §§ 53G-7-704 through -707 are not considered school-sponsored.
District employees:
District employees may purchase advertising space to promote private or non-school-sponsored events in the same manner as the general public. The District employee’s employment and experience can be used to demonstrate qualifications. The advertisement must specifically state that the activity is not school-sponsored. (See R277-107-4.)
District employees may engage in outside employment with a private entity or other separate organizations that does not interfere with District duties or job functions. Employees must complete the District disclosure agreement annually when engaging in outside employment that is similar to the employee’s official job duties or functions.
Parental notification is required if District students are recruited to participate in these activities.
District employees may not set up bank accounts for activities or fundraisers associated with District responsibilities or job functions.
District employees may not direct fees or fundraiser proceeds from school-sponsored activities to outside entities.
District employees may not direct operating expenditures to outside funding sources or groups to avoid District procurement rules (such as equipment, uniforms, salaries or stipends, improvements, maintenance for facilities, etc.).
District employees must comply with District procurement policies and procedures, including complying with competitive quotes; bid splitting; and not accepting gifts, gratuities, or kickbacks from vendors or other interested parties.