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Logan City School District

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

GCBA- Parental Participation

Approval Date: September 10, 2019
Updated: October 8, 2024

GCBA- Parental Participation

Parental Involvement in the school

The involvement of parents in the education of children significantly impacts the success of their children’s educational efforts.

It is District policy that teachers and administrators should facilitate the active involvement of parents in the education of their children. Teachers and administrators shall communicate with the parents of children with regard to whom the teachers and administrators have responsibility by:

  • maintaining a means of answering telephone calls or receiving visits from parents during the school day at times mutually agreed upon by parents and school personnel
  • conducting parent-teacher-student conferences at regular intervals and conducting additional conferences when requested to the extent permitted by available time within the school day and by other responsibilities
  • informing parents of resources in the community, including groups and organizations that may provide instruction and training to parents to help improve their children’s academic success and support their academic efforts
  • encouraging attendance by parents at school events in which parent participation is appropriate.

Utah Code § 53E-2-303 (2019)

Communication and Assistance to Students Learning English

In communicating with and assisting students learning English, their parents, and their families, the District’s schools shall use interpreters as is appropriate for:

  • classroom activities
  • impromptu and scheduled office visits or phone calls
  • enrollment or registration processes
  • the IEP process
  • student educational and occupational planning processes
  • fee waiver processes
  • parent engagement activities
  • student disciplinary meetings
  • school community councils
  • school board meetings
  • other school or District activities
  • other interactions between the parents of a student learning English and
  • educational staff

Utah Code § 53G-7-223(2)(a) (2023)

The District’s schools shall also use a translator or interpreter when appropriate for the translation or interpretation of:

  • registration or enrollment materials, including home language surveys and English
  • learning program entrance and exit notifications
  • assignments and accompanying materials
  • report cards or other progress reports
  • student discipline policies and procedures
  • grievance procedures and notices of rights and nondiscrimination
  • parent or family handbooks
  • requests for parent permission

Utah Code § 53G-7-223(2)(b) (2023)

When preferable, the District’s schools shall also use oral interpretation rather than written translation to improve instruction and assistance by teachers, counselors, and administrators to a student learning English and the student’s parents and family.

Utah Code § 53G-7-223(2)(c) (2023)

In making use of interpretation and translation services, the District’s schools shall consider the preferred method of communication of the student and the student’s family, may make use of assistance from community organizations to assist, and shall consider guidance and technical assistance provided by the Utah State Board of Education.

Utah Code § 53E-2-303(3)(b)(ii)(B) (2022)

Utah Code § 53G-7-223(3) (2023)