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Logan City School District

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

FHC- Notification Received from Juvenile Courts

Approval Date: March 12, 2019
Modified: March 9, 2021

FHC- Notification Received from Juvenile Courts

Superintendent to Notify School

Within three days of receiving a notification from juvenile court or a law enforcement agency that a student of the district has been taken into custody or adjudicated for a crime of violence, a violent felony as defined by Utah Code §76-3-203.5 or an offense in violation of Title 76, Chapter 10, Part 5, Weapons, the Superintendent shall notify the principal of the school that the juvenile attends or last attended. The superintendent shall inform the principal::

  1. The name of the student;
  2. The offense for which the student was taken into custody or adjudicated;
  3. If available, the name of the victim, if the victim is a student of the District and;
    1. Resides in the same school district as the student; or
    2. Attends the same school as the minor

Upon receipt of the information from the superintendent, the principal shall make a notation in a secure file other than the student’s permanent file and shall, with the school multidisciplinary team established under Policy CEB, use the information to assess the level of threat the student poses, including potential for self-harm, suicide ideation, harm to others, or harm to school property. In making this assessment, the principal and multidisciplinary team shall use an evidence-based threat assessment approved by the State Board of Education.

Utah Code § 78A-6-112(3)(b) (2020)
Utah Code § 78A-6-117(1)(c) (2020)
Utah Code § 53G-8-402 (2020)
Utah Code § 53G-8-403 (2018)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-736-3(1) to (3) (June 22, 2020)

If the student is still enrolled in the school, the administration shall, with the school multidisciplinary team established under Policy CEB, use the information to assess the level of threat the student poses, including potential for self-harm, suicide ideation, harm to others, or harm to school property. In making this assessment, the principal and multidisciplinary team shall use an evidence-based threat assessment approved by the State Board of Education.

Utah Code § 78A-6-112(3)(b) (2020)
Utah Code § 78A-6-117(1)(c) (2020)
Utah Code § 53G-8-402 (2020)
Utah Code § 53G-8-403 (2018))
Utah Admin. Rules R277-736-3(1) to (3) (June 22, 2020)

Dissemination of Information to School Staff

The principal and multidisciplinary team shall determine, based on the level of threat posed by the student, the appropriate school staff who should receive the information about the student. In cases where the information demonstrates possible imminent harm to the student or others, the principal may share information as necessary to ensure the safety of the student, the victim, and the school’s general population without first consulting with the multidisciplinary team. In determining what information should be shared and which staff members should receive the information, the principal and multidisciplinary team should share only the information and data needed to ensure the safety of the student, the victim, and the school’s general population.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-736-3(1), (4), (5) (June 22, 2020)

The superintendent, principal, and any other staff member notified by the principal shall not intentionally cause the information to become public knowledge.

Action Against Student Based on Information

Any action taken against a student based on the information received must be consistent with restorative justice practices.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-736-3(6) (June 22, 2020)