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DKAB- Hiring Preference of Veterans and Veterans’ Spouses

Approval Date: April 28, 2020

DKAB- Hiring Preference of Veterans and Veterans’ Spouses

Hiring of Veterans and Veterans’ Spouses—

For purposes of this policy “veteran” means the same as the term is defined in Utah Code § 68-3-12.5.

Utah Code § 71-10-1 (2016)
Utah Code § 68-3-12.5 (2019)

Disabled veteran - means an individual who served duty in the armed forces and received an honorable release therefrom and who has a presently existing service-connected disability or is receiving compensation, disability retirement compensation, disability retirement benefits, or a pension because of a public statute administered by the Federal Department of Veterans Affairs or military department.

Preference eligibility - shall be granted to any individual who has served on active duty in the armed forces for at least 180 days and who has received an honorable discharge therefrom, any disabled veteran, the unmarried widow or widower of a veteran, or a retired member of the armed forces.

Veterans Preference

When considering candidates for employment in the District, the District shall grant a veteran’s preference to each preference eligible veteran or preference eligible spouse. The Human Resource Director of the District shall add to the score of a preference eligible person who receives a passing score on an examination, or any rating or ranking mechanism used in selecting individuals for employment in the District the following:

  1. Five percent (5%) of the total possible score if the person is a veteran.
  2. Ten percent (10%) of the total possible score if the person is a disabled Veteran or a purple heart recipient.
  3. If the candidate is an eligible spouse, widow or widower, the same percentage increase that the qualifying veteran would have been entitled to.

A preference eligible person who applies for a position that does not require an examination shall be given preference in interviewing and hiring for the position. If all other circumstances relevant to employment are equal among candidates, then a preference shall be given to the veteran applying for a position with the District.

Utah Code § 71-10-2 (2018)