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Logan City School District

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

DO- Guest Teacher Employment Status and Immigration Sponsorship

Adopted: April, 2024

DO- Guest Teacher Employment Status and Immigration Sponsorship

International guest teachers who are employed by the Logan City School District (LCSD) as the teacher of record in a Dual Language Immersion classroom shall be temporary employees on an annual contract.

International Guest Teachers will be evaluated annually using the district approved evaluation system.

Each educator’s contract runs only for the term stated in the contract. During this time, they shall be without the right of expectation of continued employment.

After the completion of three successful school years, guest teachers may be considered for J-1 visa extension (according to visa extension allowance) based on employee performance and the employment needs of the District. This process will be initiated by the District, and an invitation to participate will be extended to the employee. The guest teacher will remain as a temporary employee during this extension period.

During the visa extension period, the District will consider whether to sponsor the employee’s application for an H-1B or permanent resident card (i.e. green card) based on employee performance and the employment needs of the District. If the District chooses to sponsor the employee’s application, the District will pay the initial costs required to obtain the H-1B visa or employment based green card.

The requirements of the sponsorship include, but are not limited to:

  • The Employee is currently a Dual Language Immersion (DLI) teacher in the District who the District has invited to participate in the visa extension process.
    • This process could result in either an H-1B visa or a permanent resident card, and requires the Board and the Employee to incur additional work-related costs.
  • Employee evaluations conducted by qualified, assigned administrators (i.e. school Principal, District DLI Coordinator, Director of Elementary Education, Director of Secondary Education) must include an overall rating of “Effective” according to current district and state teaching standards (UETS).
  • The Employee agrees to remain employed by the District for a minimum period of 4 additional years after the H-1B or permanent resident card has been granted.
    • If the Employee separates from the District prior to completing the agreed upon additional four years, s/he will reimburse the Board for the full cost incurred by the District towards the H-1B visa or permanent resident card, on a prorated basis, based on their length of employment with the District

While employed as a guest teacher, or after the receipt of an H-1B visa or permanent resident card, all District policies and elements of employee negotiated agreements are in force