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DMA- Employee Responsible Use of Electronic Devices

Approval Date: February 11, 2020

DMA- Employee Responsible Use of Electronic Devices


District employees’ job responsibilities may require them to use electronic devices or may be more efficiently and effectively fulfilled by use of such devices. District employees may also wish to use electronic devices for personal purposes during work time. However, electronic devices are subject to misuse and in some circumstances can have the effect of distracting and disrupting the employee and others in the school setting and may also lead to the disruption of the educational process. The purpose of this policy is to vest in school and District administrators the authority to enforce reasonable rules relating to electronic devices in the workplace and to establish the framework for acceptable use of such devices.


An “electronic device” includes any type of computer or computer-like device (such as a tablet) as well as any “electronic communication device.” An “Electronic communication device” is an electronic device that can be used to record and/or transmit (on either a real time or delayed basis) text, video or still images, sound, or other information. Examples of electronic communication devices include mobile telephones, “smart” telephones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), two-way radios, video broadcasting devices, and pagers.

General requirements for acceptable use of electronic devices

Employee use of electronic devices must comply with any and all other applicable District policies. Certified employee use of electronic devices must also comply with the Utah Educator Standards. Employees shall not use electronic devices in any way which violates applicable statutes or regulations. Employees shall not use electronic devices in ways that bully, humiliate, harass, or intimidate students, other employees, or other school-related individuals.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-495-4

Employee use of an electronic device on school premises to access inappropriate or pornographic images is illegal, may have criminal consequences, shall be reported to law enforcement, and may have adverse employment consequences including termination from employment.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-495-4

Electronic devices must be used in an ethical and responsible manner and must not be used to invade others’ reasonable expectations of privacy. Students and others in the public schools should not be subject to video or audio capture, recording, or transmission of their words or images by any employee without express prior notice and explicit consent for the capture, recording, or transmission of such words or images. There are certain situations where the possession or use of electronic communication devices and cameras is absolutely prohibited within the public school, including locker rooms, counseling sessions, washrooms, and dressing areas.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-495-4

Personally owned electronic communication devices

Employees may carry and use personally owned electronic communication devices on school property subject to this policy and any additional rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Education. Employees who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.

Personal electronic communication devices should not be used to send or receive messages of a personal nature during the employee’s normal duty time to send, except in emergency situations or with pre-approval from the superintendent or school principal or designee. This includes all times when the employee has direct supervisory responsibility for students or school activities, including after regular school hours (such as at evening school-sponsored events). Personal use of an electronic communication device is allowable during normal break times, lunch times, preparation times, and outside of regular school hours when the employee does not have direct supervisory responsibility. Personal electronic communication devices should not be used during instructional time or at school-sponsored programs, meetings, in-services, conferences with parents or guardians, or any other time where there would be a reasonable expectation of quiet attentiveness.

Staff Member Responsible Use

Staff Members have the privilege of using district information and communication systems on and off district property pending:

  • receipt, understanding, and willingness to adhere to this policy, and the district's Electronic Device Policy.
  • receipt, understanding, and willingness to adhere to the district's Responsible Use Agreement.

Building administrators and district technology staff may search a staff member's network use when reasonable suspicion exists that a state or federal law, district policy, or school rule has been violated.

Building or district administration shall notify law enforcement for initial or additional investigation when reasonable suspicion exists that district or school information and communication systems were used in violation of state or federal law.

Violations of law will result in referral to law enforcement for possible criminal prosecution as well as disciplinary action by the District.

Examples of inappropriate use include, but are not limited to: accessing or disseminating information construed by the District as: profane, obscene (pornographic), violent, discriminatory, harassment, bullying, intimidating or advocating illegal acts.

Staff Member Access to the District Network

Access to the district wireless network, including the Internet, is permitted primarily for instructional purposes and is a privilege not a right.

Limited personal use of the district wireless network is permitted if the use:

  • Imposes no tangible cost to the District;
  • Does not unduly burden or cause damage to the district's computer or network resources.
  • Has no adverse effect on job performance.

Staff Member Access THrough Private Networks

Staff members using private networks to access content or to communicate while on district property or at district sponsored events will be held to the same expectations as if they were using the district network.

School officials will discipline employees using private networks to violate district policy.

Employees using private networks to violate federal or state law will be referred to appropriate law enforcement officials for investigation or prosecution.

Staff Member Due Process

If there is an allegation that an employee has violated this policy, the employee shall receive notice of the alleged violation and an opportunity to present an explanation.

Disciplinary actions in harmony with corrective discipline procedures will be tailored to meet the specific concerns related to the violation.

Deliberate violations of this policy (e.g., malicious acts or omissions; searching for, viewing, or otherwise visiting pornographic or sexually explicit sites) are cause for immediate termination for employees.