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Logan City School District

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

DFB- Educator Exit and Engagement Surveys

Approval Date: May 19, 2020

DFB- Educator Exit and Engagement Surveys


Surveys may provide objective and subjective data for use by the Logan City School District (District) governing board, as well as the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and other relevant, authorized parties.


The Logan City School District governing board and staff shall administer exit and engagement surveys to educators (i.e. classroom teacher, preschool teacher, special education teacher, or school-based specialist) as required by Utah state statute, USBE administrative rule, and District governing board policy.

The District shall utilize the USBE recommended platform for prescribed survey questions in order to ensure data quality and uniformity.

The District recognizes the responsibility of its Board and staff to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII), which may be sensitive, private, or protected under Utah’s Government Records Access Management Act (GRAMA).

To properly administer surveys and in order to protect PII, The District will use only secure methods of survey administration, data collection, and transfer.

The intervals for administration of required surveys will be in accordance with USBE rules.

All required data shall be transferred to the State Superintendent of Public Education (hereafter “Superintendent”) by June 30 of each calendar year.

Consistent with USBE rule R277-325, surveys

  • Shall allow each educator to remain anonymous
  • May NOT request the educator’s CACTUS identification number
  • Shall ask each educator to identify the educator’s Local Education Agency (LEA)
  • May ask each educator to voluntarily identify the educator’s school
  • May ask each educator to provide basic non-identifying demographic data as requested by the Superintendent

Utah Admin Rules R277-325