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Logan City School District

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

FDAD- Communicable Diseases

Approval Date: April 16, 2019

FDAD-Communicable Diseases


The Principal shall report to the District Nurse those students attending school who are suspected of having a reportable disease or condition, as defined by state law and the Utah Department of Health. The District Nurse shall report those student names to the local health authority or to the Utah Department of Health

Utah Code § 26-6-6 (2008)
Utah Admin. Rules R386-702-4(1)(j) (January 2, 2018)


The Principal, in collaboration with the District Nurse, and at the direction of local health officers or an official of the State Department of Health, shall exclude from attendance any student suffering from a reportable disease, as defined by the Utah Department of Health, until directed otherwise by the same officials.

Utah Code § 26-6-4 (2006)
Utah Admin. Rules R386-702-11(2)(c), (3), (4) (January 2, 2018)


Students excluded for reason of communicable disease shall be readmitted as determined by the local or state health authority or county attorney, and in collaboration with the District Nurse.

Utah Code § 26-6-4 (2006)
Utah Admin. Rules R386-702-11(2)(c), (3), (4) (January 2, 2018)

Communicalbe Disease and Event Reports

The District Nurse shall report diseases and health events in writing to the Utah Department of Health or to the local health department as required by Utah Administrative Rules R386-702-3 and R386-702-6. Certain diseases and events must be reported by telephone immediately upon discovery, as well as in writing. Each report should include the name of the student afflicted, age, sex, address, date of onset, and such other information as prescribed by the State Department of Health. If available, the report form supplied by the Department of Health should be used.

Utah Admin. Rules R386-702-4(1)(j) (January 2, 2018)
Utah Admin. Rules R386-702-3 (January 2, 2018)
Utah Admin. Rules R386-702-6 (January 2, 2018)

All reports made by school personnel are confidential, but full assistance shall be given to attending physicians or public health workers.

Utah Admin. Rules R386-702-8(1), (2) (January 2, 2018)