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Logan City School District

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

EEF- Classroom Media Materials Selection and Review

Approval Date: December, 2021
Amended: May 2023

EEF- Classroom Media Materials Selection and Review


  1. “Teacher Librarian” means a licensed employee with a degree or endorsement in library science, assigned to teach at a school.
  2. “Media Specialist” means an Education Support Professional working under the supervision of a principal or district director, assigned to manage the library.
  3. “School Media Review Committee” means a committee, appointed by the building principal, that includes the principal; two licensed teachers;, two parents at the school who are not the complainant(s) and are representative of the school population; and the school’s media specialist or librarian. At the high school level, a student representative may also be included.
  4. “District Media Review Committee”: The District Media Review Committee shall include the Director of Elementary or Secondary Schools; a member of the Board; a principal; a licensed teacher; a librarian or media specialist representing the school level the challenge comes from; and two parents from the district who are not the complainant(s) and are representative of the district population. The District Media Review Committee will be established according to need and appointed by the Director of Elementary or Secondary Schools. A District Media Review Committee that is tasked with the review of a request for reconsideration of materials will not include individuals who participated in the School Media Review Committee for that request.
  5. Media materials include, but are not limited to, the following items, whether provided in person, online, or through other means:
    1. Text materials (i.e. books, magazines, essays, theatrical works, etc)
    2. Video
    3. Music (both audio presentations as well as printed music)
    4. Photographs and other images
    5. Three-dimensional art
  6. Sensitive material means an instructional material that is pornographic or indecent material as that term is defined in Section 76-10-1235 of Utah Code.
    1. Sensitive material does not include an instructional material that an LEA selects under Section 53G-10-402 of Utah Code for:
      • Medical courses
      • Family and consumer science courses
      • Another course the state board exempts in state rule

Utah Code §76-10-1235 (1)(a)
Utah Code § 53G-10-103 (2022)

Expectation for Appropriate Materials

The Logan City School District shall not adopt, use, distribute, provide access to, or maintain in the school setting, sensitive materials as defined in Section 76-10-1235 of Utah Code.

Selection of Supplemental Media Materials

Supplemental instructional materials are chosen by school personnel based on the criteria in Policy EEE Standards for Media Use.

At the elementary level the selection of supplemental media materials is the responsibility of the classroom teacher, applying the standards outlined in district policy.

At the middle and high school levels, media that are selected and purchased for whole-class instruction are chosen in collaboration with the teacher’s department or grade level, using the Approval of Supplemental Classroom Media form.

All media (print, images, artifacts, etc), whether viewed in person or online, must be previewed in its entirety by the teacher prior to classroom use. Teachers are responsible to ensure applicability to core curriculum, relevance of content, appropriateness based on student age, and overall appropriateness for student use.

Utah Code §53G-4-402

Selection of all purchased or donated media materials shall be based on a combination of three or more of the following criteria:

  • Educational significance
  • Contribution to the curriculum
  • Validity, currency and appropriateness
  • Accuracy, timeliness and permanence
  • Favorable reviews, recommendations, and/or award nominees found in standard selection sources or from professional personnel
  • Potential appeal and interest
  • Recreational reading needs of students
  • Artistic quality and literary style
  • Reputation and significance of author, producer, publisher
  • Uniqueness, diversity and /or heritage of the state, region or community
  • Support of second language learners
  • Support of special needs students"

Objection to Materials

Any district patron or employee has the right to file a complaint regarding media materials to which he or she objects.

Request for Alternative Materials

If a student or their parent/guardian objects to the use of a particular media in class, the student or their parent/guardian may request an alternative media and task to be used for the relevant assignment.

The classroom teacher will consult with the student or parent/guardian to determine an appropriate alternative media and task.

Request for Removal from District Media Use

If a student or their parent/guardian requests the removal of specific media from a course, performance, or grade level, a request shall be filed using the LCSD Request for Reconsideration of Media Materials form. The procedure for processing such complaints is as follows:

  • The request for reconsideration shall be filed with the building principal who may choose to temporarily withdraw media materials from use during the review process
  • Upon receipt of the request, the building principal will send the requestor a notification that their request has been received, and that the review process will begin within fifteen work days from the delivery of the principal’s notification.
  • A school-based Media Review Committee shall review the request for reconsideration and formulate a decision regarding the complaint
  • During the course of a review, the requestor shall have the opportunity to appear in support of the request; the teacher in whose class the material is used or proposed for use shall have the opportunity to present the rationale for inclusion; and the committee may solicit and/or accept information, evidence, or testimony from other persons as the committee deems advisable
  • Within 30 work days from the beginning of the review process, the principal will send a written report of the review committee’s decision to the individual filing the request for review.
    • If circumstances require a longer review period, the building principal may request an extension from the Director of Elementary or Secondary Schools.

If the person submitting a request is not satisfied with the decision of the school’s Media Review Committee, he or she may request a review of the request by a district level Media Review Committee.

  • The Director of Elementary or Secondary Schools shall appoint the committee within 15 work days after the date of receipt of the request for review
  • During the course of a review, the requester shall have the opportunity to appear in support of the request; the teacher in whose class the material is used or proposed for use shall have the opportunity to present the rationale for inclusion; and the committee may solicit and/or accept information, evidence, or testimony from other persons as the committee deems advisable
  • The committee shall review the request, make a decision, and communicate the committee’s decision to the requestor within 30 work days after the organization of the committee

If the person submitting a request is not satisfied with the decision of the District Media Review Committee, the requestor may appeal the decision to the Board of Education. The Board shall review the decision of the District Media Review Committee within 30 work days after the appeal is received, and its decision shall be final.

Click Here For Approval of Secondary Classroom Reading Material Request
Click Here For LCSD Request for Reconsideration of Media Materials