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FAC- Student Use of Cell Phones

Adopted: April 2024
Effective date: August 2024

FAC- Student Use of Cell Phones

Policy Rationale:

The school district recognizes the widespread use of cell phones among students and acknowledges the need to establish guidelines for their appropriate use within school premises. Research indicates that excessive cell phone usage can have detrimental effects on student learning and development, including distractions during instructional time, decreased social interaction, and potential negative impacts on mental health. Therefore, this policy aims to create a conducive learning environment while ensuring the safety and well-being of all students.

Parents may request exceptions to this policy for documented health or emergency reasons, including those reasons addressed through a 504 Plan or Individualized Education Plan. These requests should be submitted to the school principal.

Student Cell Phones in Elementary Schools

The use of student cell phones is restricted within elementary school premises during school hours, including instructional time, recess, and before/after-school programs.

Students in elementary schools are required to keep their cell phones turned off and stored securely in their backpacks, or designated storage areas provided by the school.

Student Cell Phones in Middle and High Schools

During the school day, middle and high school students are permitted to use cell phones during designated times, such as before and after school, lunch breaks, passing periods, or when authorized by the classroom teacher. Apart from these designated times, cell phones must remain out of sight and in silent mode. The use of cell phones is prohibited in classrooms, restrooms, and school offices unless otherwise authorized by a school employee.

Cell phones must be placed in lockers, backpacks, or other locations away from students and their desks during tests and assessments.

Headphones and other listening devices may only be used at the designated times when cell phone usage is allowed.

Cell phone usage during permitted times should not disrupt the learning environment or infringe upon the rights of others. Cell phone usage must also comply with all requirements, including content restrictions, included in District policy FAB-Student Electronic Device Policy.

In the event of an emergency, students may use their cell phones to contact parents/guardians or emergency services, following established procedures outlined by the school.

Communication of Expectations and Rationale to Students

At the start of each semester, each school will create a plan to communicate the details of this policy, as well as the rationale for it, to students and parents.

Consequences for Non-Compliance:

When a student is observed to be in violation of the policy, school staff will remind the student of the policy and invite the student to comply. If the student fails to promptly comply, or the violations continue after the reminder by staff, the following consequences will be implemented:

The administration reserves the right to adjust these consequences on a case-by-case basis if needed. For example, extreme behaviors that break the law or engage in bullying or harassment of other students may result in immediate student suspension.

  1. Receipt, understanding, and willingness to adhere to this policy, and the district’s Responsible Use Agreement deemed appropriate by the school district for each student’s current age or ability level.
    • First Offense: Upon the first violation of this policy, the student's cell phone will be confiscated by school staff and be returned to the student at the end of the school day. Parents/guardians will be notified of the infraction.
    • Second Offense: For repeated violations, the student's cell phone will be confiscated, and a meeting will be scheduled with the student, parents/guardians, and school administration to discuss the consequences of continued non-compliance.
    • Subsequent Offenses: Further violations may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to detention, loss of privileges, or temporary suspension, as deemed appropriate by school administrators.