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Logan City School District

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

FDH - Kindergarten Student Toilet Training

Adopted: November 12, 2024

FDH – Kindergarten Student Toilet Training

Definition of “Toilet Trained”

“Toilet trained” means that a child can:

  1. Communicate the need to use the bathroom to an adult;
  2. Sit down on a toilet;
  3. Use the toilet without assistance;
  4. Undress and dress as necessary; and
  5. Tend to personal hygienic needs after toileting.

If an accident occurs, a toilet trained child can independently tend to hygienic needs and change clothes. A child is not toilet trained if the child has accidents with sufficient frequency to impact the educational experience of the child or the child’s peers, as determined by the District.
Utah Code § 53G-7-203(6) (2024)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-631-2 (June 7, 2024)

Toilet Training Requirement for Kindergarten Enrollment

A student may not be enrolled in kindergarten unless the student is toilet trained or the student’s lack of toilet training results from a condition addressed by an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan. Prior to enrollment, the parent of each student to be enrolled shall provide assurance to the District that the student is toilet trained using the Confirmation of Toilet Training form contained in this Policy.
Utah Code § 53G-7-203(6)(a), (d) (2024)
Utah Admin. Rules R277-631-3(1), (2) (June 7, 2024)

Addressing the Needs of Students Who are Not Toilet Trained

When a kindergarten student is determined not to be toilet trained, the District shall:

  1. consider whether the student’s delay in toileting capability may be a sign of a disability
    that could impact the student’s education
    1. if appropriate shall conduct an initial evaluation in accordance with the child find requirements and standards of IDEA;
  2. Refer the student and the student’s parent to a school social worker or counselor:
    1. To provide additional family supports and resources; and
    2. To create an individualized plan to address the student’s needs;
  3. Establish the circumstances, if appropriate, under which a parent or a parent’s adult designee may aid in toilet training; and
  4. Coordinate with appropriate District personnel and parents to reintegrate the student, as
    appropriate, once the student has become toilet trained.
    Utah Code § 53G-7-203(6)(c) (2024)
    Utah Admin. Rules R277-631-3(3) (June 7, 2024)



I am the parent of _______________ (name of prospective kindergarten student). I understand that toilet training (as defined below) is a precondition for my child to be enrolled in kindergarten unless my child’s delay in toileting is a result of a condition addressed in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a Section 504 Plan.

“Toilet trained” means that a child can do all of the following:

  1. Communicate the need to use the bathroom to an adult;
  2. Sit down on a toilet;
  3. Use the toilet without assistance;
  4. Undress and dress as necessary;
  5. Tend to personal hygienic needs after toileting; and
  6. If an accident occurs, independently tend to hygienic needs and change clothes.

Select one of the following:

_______ I confirm that my child is toilet trained, as that is defined above.
_______ I confirm that my child is not toilet trained, as that is defined above, but this is because
of a condition that is addressed in an existing IEP or Section 504 Plan for my child.
_______ I confirm that my child is not toilet trained, as that is defined above, but I believe this is
or may be because of a disability of some kind and I would like the District to evaluate whether
an IEP or Section 504 Plan may be appropriate.

I declare under criminal penalty under the law of Utah that the foregoing is true and correct.

Signed on the _____ day of _________, _____ at __________________________________

(Day) (Month) (Year) (city and state or country)

Printed Name ________________________________
Signature ___________________________________